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The good guys storm the hill — PCCC sets up progressive lobbying shop

P-Trip On The Hill

by digby

Here’s some welcome news:

The P Street Project is an effort by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee to build upon the progressive movement’s online organizing of the past few years and move into the business of registered lobbying. The lobby has recently advocated on some issues during a trial run, but will be officially launched here at Netroots Nation, a gathering of 2,100 liberal leaders, bloggers and activists.

“We are lobbying,” Shaunna Thomas, director of the P Street Project, said in an interview Friday. “We are living on the Hill. . . . The goal is to move progressive policy and to win progressive policy, but also to move progressive ideas.”


“Some of these progressive members feel like they’re out in the wilderness and we are able to connect them, give them a community and help them see a path towards accomplishing their goals,” Thomas said.

Groups like the NRA or Americans for Tax Reform have proven the effectiveness of this kind of lobbying. The hope is that if progressives can leverage millions of people they can provide a little bit of ballast to the big money lobbyists who dominate the system.

I know Thomas a little and she’s a terrific progressive organizer so my hopes are high that this experiment in progressive lobbying will grow into something meaningful. You have to cover all the bases in politics and this is one that desperately needs covering. Good for the PCCC for stepping up.


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