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Steve Foster takes PoMo philosophy 101 at Beck U and still seems to be sane

PoMo at Beck U

by digby

Poor Steve Foster at TDE forced himself to sit through another Beck U class and lived to tell the tale. (If it were me, I think I’d probably have to lay in a supply of Patron anejo and aspirin, but that’s just me. Steve sounds surprisingly sober considering what he’s had to endure.)

Here’s a taste:

During the latest “lesson” at Beck U, David Barton was up to his old tricks – cherry-picking historical details and isolated quotes to make his case that the Founding Fathers were devout Christians who really wanted to establish a fundamentalist theocracy.

And like most snake oil salesmen, he also talked really, really fast so no one would notice his bullshit. He has a bright future as the next spokesperson for Goldline.

Barton beat his drum that most of the Founding Fathers held degrees from seminaries, conveniently forgetting that most colleges in those days were seminaries, regardless of discipline.

And he got really upset at the fact that all we’ve been taught about American history for the past 234 years is just nothing but a deconstructionist fantasy dreamed up by dirty liberal feminist hippies to thrust their communist agenda on the innocent youth of America.

The influence of Lynne Cheney is boundless. (In more ways than one.)

Read the whole thing. But considering that we now know that Lynne and Glenn are the intellectual drivers of the Tea Party, I think it’s probably wise to break out the Patron in any case.


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