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Should Justice Thomas recuse himself from all cases his activist wife takes up?


by digby

Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginny has joined the political fray in a big way, lately flogging her new front group as a liaison between DC and the Tea Party. But she’s asking for trouble — or would be in any sane world:

Like Cavuto, I don’t think she’s being very clear here at all, but I think she’s trying to say that “policy” relates to activism, while legal work is separate. Even granting her that, the problem is that the people she works with are very often doing legal work, agitating for judges and taking strong stands for and against various legal rulings. It’s not really possible to separate these things in American political life.

I’m sure nobody in the village will dare say a thing about this because the Thomases are untouchable members of the social elite. But I do have to wonder if Justice Sotomayor married someone who started a progressive PAC devoted to open borders whether it would be accepted with such equanimity.


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