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Back In The Fold — Racist GOP hustler Mark Williams welcomed home

Back In The Fold

by digby

Apparently, Mark Williams’ little faux pas isn’t going to hamper his involvement in Tea Party activities:

Mark Williams, the bomb-throwing conservative talk show host who last month was ousted from the Tea Party movement after a rant against the NAACP that was widely condemned as racist, looks to be back. The former Tea Party Express chairman is said to be teaming up with two fellow conservative activists to create Citizens for Constitutional Liberty, a new political action committee that plans to support conservative candidates and promote grassroots activism among Tea Partiers.Rodney Stanhope, one of the group’s founders, told The Daily Beast that he and another northern California Tea Party activist, Mandy Morello, spoke recently about forming the new group. From there, Stanhope reached out to Williams, whom he said he’d known since the two worked together on the 2003 recall of Democratic Governor Gray Davis. “I happened to be in a conversation with Mark,” said Stanhope. “I said, ‘We wanna do this, and he said, ‘I’d love to help.’”


…Stanhope added that the group planned to soon register as a PAC with both the FEC and the California secretary of state’s office, at which point it can begin raising money. Williams, who is traveling, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Last month, he became the public face of Tea Party racism after he posted a lengthy screed, written in the voice of an NAACP official, which, among other things, praised slavery for offering blacks “three squares, room and board.” In response, the Tea Party Express, for which Williams served as chair and as a frequent spokesman, was publicly ousted from a national Tea Party umbrella group. Soon after, Tea Party Express announced it had cut ties with Williams
But Williams’ new partners don’t sound concerned. In her blog post, Morello downplayed the flap over Williams’ attack on the NAACP. “While I find his comments distasteful,” she wrote, “it is not my place to take away his free speech guaranteed by our First Amendment.” And Stanhope told The Daily Beast he thought the NAACP controversy had been blown out of proportion. “This latest flap is garbage,” he said. “They want to throw the word racism out there these days. It’s overused.”

That’s what they all say.

This guy’s a typical political hustler, making a good living raising funds from dupes and fools, so he’s just found himself another con. But seriously, if this screed isn’t beyond the pale for any decent person, what is?

As Chris Rock says, “what do you have to do, kill Medgar Evers?”


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