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Limbaugh: liberals think Michelle Obama deserves “a taste of the wealth of America” because she’s black

“The Answer Is Patently Obvious”

by digby

Limbaugh’s contribution to the wingnut hooplah around Michelle Obama’s vacation is to say that liberals and the media are being soft on her because we believe our “slave past” means she deserves a “taste of the wealth of America.”

I’d love to know if there is even one liberal in America who thinks that Michelle Obama should have a trip to Spain because she’s black and deserves a taste of American wealth. It certainly never occurred to me to think of it in those terms, but it’s interesting that Rush went there. It appears that he thinks liberals see everything the Obamas do in terms of the black experience, which may say more about him than it does about us.

By the way, George W Bush took more vacation time than any president in history. And it certainly wasn’t free to the taxpayer, as this ridiculous little screed seems to suggest.

Of course he just spent tens of millions so the White House could stage giddy Ralph Lauren style photo shoots, which was very important because it sent a message of macho exceptionalism.


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