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A village leader looks at the cogs and wheels of the Right Wing noise machine and discovers something obvious

Catching Up

by digby

Someone asked me the other day if I thought that the liberal blogosphere had made progress with the mainstream media over the past few years and I answered that I thought there had been some in punditry but not so much in the mainstream news gathering.

But I may have been more pessimistic than necessary. This is basically the liberal media critique coming from a card carrying Villager:

The Sherrod story is a reminder — much like the 2004 assault on John Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth — that the old media are often swayed by controversies pushed by the conservative new media. In many quarters of the old media, there is concern about not appearing liberally biased, so stories emanating from the right are given more weight and less scrutiny. Additionally, the conservative new media, particularly Fox News Channel and talk radio, are commercially successful, so the implicit logic followed by old-media decisionmakers is that if something is gaining currency in those precincts, it is a phenomenon that must be given attention. Most dangerously, conservative new media will often produce content that is so provocative and incendiary that the old media find it irresistible.

That’s Mark Halperin. Let’s hope he has a heart to heart talk with some of his new pals at NBC like Chuck Todd and David Gregory. If people like him have truly begun to see the various moving parts of this phenomenon there may be hope.


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