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Suitable for Bookmarking: Bill In Portland maine provides a handy list of busted myths.

Mythbusting 101

by digby

Bill in Portland Maine compiled a very useful list of myths — and links that bust them. Suitable for bookmarking:

> Tea Party’ers are not more likely to have racist tendencies than other conservatives.
(Except they are.) > Democrats are scheming to hit 94 percent of small business owners with tax increases.
(Except they aren’t.) > Bloody violence is out of control along the Mexican border, and illegal immigrants are streaming into America at record levels.
(Except it’s not and they’re not.) > Obamacare will send Medicare spiraling out of control.
(Except it won’t.) > Marriage is a religious union that’s all about procreation.
(Except it isn’t.) > Voters say cutting the deficit is more important than creating jobs.
(Except they don’t.) > Social Security is going broke, it adds to the deficit, and we have to raise the retirement age because people are living longer.
(Except it’s not, it doesn’t and we don’t.) > The earth is getting cooler.
(Except it’s really really not.)

Good to know.


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