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Welcome to the recovery — 30,000 line up for public housing in East Point Georgia

Welcome To The Recovery

by digby

The Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Thirty thousand people showed up to receive Section 8 housing applications in East Point Wednesday, suffering through hours in the hot sun, angry flare-ups in the crowd and lots of frustration and confusion for a chance to receive a government-subsidized apartment.

The massive event sometimes descended into a chaotic mob scene filled with anger and impatience. Some 62 people needed medical attention and 20 of them were transported to a hospital, authorities said. A baby went into a seizure in the heat and was stabilized at a hospital. People were removed on stretchers and when a throng of people who had been waiting hours in a line were told to move to another line, people started pushing, shoving and cursing, witnesses said.

Still, officials of East Point declared the day a success. Nobody was arrested and nobody was seriously injured, they said. It was an assessment roundly challenged by many of the people who had to go through it.

This was just to receive the paperwork. They have to go back and go through the same thing to submit it on Friday.

Many of these were African Americans. Seeing as the black male unemployment rate is nearly 20% you can see why they would be in need.


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