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BP Cheated Out Of $10,000!

by tristero

Listening to the Beeb this morning, I learned, much to my utter shock and amazement, that not everyone applying for compensation in the wake of the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico caused by BP and pals is entirely honest. Hard to believe, but out of the $300,000,000 BP’s paid out so far, one slimeball went so far as to claim $10,000 in damages which he didn’t deserve.

This is an outrage. Do you have any idea how much BP can do with that $10,000? Look, MMS or no MMS, mid-level bureaucrats at the Department of Energy still have to be entertained properly and 10 grand goes a very long way towards the purchase of second-class hookers and mediocre coke.

All I can say is thank God for the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media for focusing not on what BP did but instead on what is being done to them. It’s much more important that we know that this helpless company is being cheated out of thousands of dollars than that we understand the full extent of the multiple billions of dollars worth of damage inflicted by BP and friends on the world. I’m not kidding, people. Let me explain:

BP and the others were surely neglectful, but were they criminally neglectful? Some say yes, some no, but the jury, figuratively speaking, is still out on that. On the other hand, there is no question that genuinely criminal fraud is being committed against BP. People are stealing from them – they are losing money – and that is clearly against the law. After all, it is written in stone that thou shalt not steal but where in the Bible does it say, “Thou shalt not coat thy neighbors’ pelicans with oil from the sea?”

When looked at this way, the BBC’s interest becomes entirely understandable, indeed laudable. After all, which is more important to report, mere neglect or indisputably criminal activity? The answer is obvious, dear friends.

The mainstream media: You can count on them. Yes! The mainstream media will report a story with courageous courageousness wherever it leads – even if it means portraying a ruthless corporate polluter as the hapless victim of penny ante thievery.

UPDATE: The article at the Beeb doesn’t mention no 10 g ripoff; it was in the report I heard, tho.

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