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by tristero

The following gushed forth from MoDo’s wordprocessor this morning:

W.’s reign of error so enraged Democrats that they were bound by one desire: to get rid of him. Bush, Cheney and Rove inspired the Democrats to spawn a powerful lefty tower of babble led by Rachel Maddow, Michael Moore and the blogosphere.

Let’s get real: if, today, there are actual liberals with anything resembling a public face, it is in spite of the Democratic party, not because they spawned us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Except, I suppose, in the negative sense. That is, during Bush, the Democratic party (and the press) were so cowardly and incompetent that someone had to speak up.

As for us being “a powerful lefty tower of babble” – why am I reminded of a Beach Boys song?

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