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Pakistan — 20% Of The Country Is Under Water

A Glimpse Of The Future

by digby

Why do I have the feeling that ignoring this is a huge practical and moral mistake?

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met Sunday with Pakistan’s president, and both men urged the international community to step up efforts to help the millions affected by flooding in Pakistan…

He said he has visited scenes of natural disasters worldwide, but has seen “nothing like this. The scale of the disaster is so large — so many people and in so many places, in so much need.”

“Thousands of towns and villages have simply been washed away,” Ban said. “Roads, buildings, bridges, crops — millions of livelihoods have been lost. People are marooned on tiny islands with the floodwaters all around them. They are drinking dirty water. They are living in the mud and ruins of their lives. Many have lost family and friends. Many more are afraid their children and loved ones will not survive in these conditions.”

When you read about the effects of climate change, you see these moving maps where large parts of the land mass become submerged and you think, “boy that’s really something.” But what this shows is the depth of human misery that mass flooding causes. And the probability that this will be happening with frequency and sometimes simultaneously going forward is quite high. What that translates into, aside from the aforementioned human misery, is political instability, mass migration and social upheaval. This is a peek at our future, and it’s happening in one of the most dangerous places on earth.

I hope somebody’s paying attention because we certainly aren’t.


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