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Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished

by digby

It was very moving watching the US troop exodus TV show yesterday. Except for all the troops and contractors left inside the country you would have thought that the whole expensive mess was over.

The good news is that what we set out to do is finally done:

Halliburton Co. said on Wednesday that it has gotten a letter of intent from Shell Iraq Petroleum Development BV that would make Halliburton the project manager for developing the Majnoon field in southern Iraq. Halliburton said it wold be working with Nabors Drilling and the Iraq Drilling Company. The contract needs final approval by Iraqi authorities, Halliburton said. Iraq reached a deal with Shell in January to develop the mammoth oil field, along with partner Petronas, Malaysia’s state-run oil company. Shell and Petronas plan to raise production in the field from the current 45,900 barrels per day to 1.8 million barrels per day over 10 years.

Halliburton shares rose 9 cents to close at $28.79 on Wednesday.

Makes you want to run into the street and kiss a random sailor doesn’t it?

*Also to those who are kvetching that we aren’t having homecoming parades and patting Obama on the back for ending the war, Miss Manners says it’s unseemly for a country to celebrate the end of its illegal invasion of another country. It’s best to keep such things understated.


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