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Page Two — where the wingnuts get new ammo

Page Two

by digby

The other night Mark Ambinder referred obliquely to the Cordoba Project Imam being considered “fashionable,” yet somehow sympathetic to terrorists, which I took it to be a some kind of reference to NY “radical chic.” He also indicated there were questionable real estate complexities surrounding the project and that knowledge of all this was the reason the White House was reluctant to fully endorse the project. (Most readers seemed to think I was being too suspicious when I suggested that they may have planted that idea with Ambinder, however.)

Anyway, Politico has the real estate story and I think it could very well result in a shift in the story line from moderate Imam wanting to build a community center to fashionable but shady provocateur trying to gin up controversy for his own purposes. And hey, maybe that’s even true. But if that happens it will result in a muddying of the principle issues at stake and further the notion that the project should be moved or perhaps scrapped, thus giving the psychotic Pamela Atlas serious credibility.

One of the hallmarks of a hissy fit is rapidly changing focus from one irrelevant detail to the other, in hopes of creating a false narrative from a set of true facts. This is how it unfolds. The good news is that it doesn’t always work. Then again, sometimes it does.

I’m exhausted already and the month is barely half over.


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