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Played —whatever they tell the press, the GOP is happy to exploit intolerance for political gain


by digby

Just a short note to reporters who are constantly reassuring us that Republicans really don’t want to exploit this anti-Muslim fever for electoral gain: I think they may be pulling your leg:

Last night, the Roy Blunt campaign posted a gross web video with an image of 9/11 rubble and a Robin Carnahan statement about the proposed Park51 project. As Randy Turner writes, “Blunt apparently wants us to be deeply offended because Robin Carnahan said she wasn’t going to tell the people of New York what to do about the construction of a mosque in the Ground Zero area and she didn’t want New Yorkers to tell us what to do in Missouri.”

They’ve since changed the graphic from a picture of Ground Zero to a picture of Carnahan with President Obama, the alleged Muslim.Oh, and in case anyone’s forgotten, Blunt is a long time member of the Republican leadership.


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