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Good Arizona, Bad Arizona

Good Arizona, Bad Arizona

by digby

Over at Down With Tyranny, Arizona resident Doug Kahn unveils Blue America’s latest ad. This one’s for Randy Parraz, running against tepid, timorous Rodney Glassman in next week’s Democratic primary for the US Senate:

Doug writes:

Randy’s not reticent about pointing out that Rodney is a hypocrite, not a real Democrat. It’s easy to make contrasts, which Randy did in the four debates; having principles tends to give you the self-confidence to tell the truth. The other Democrats around here are busy trying to look like benevolent Republicans; so when Randy talks about how he spoke up against Joe Arpaio at Maricopa County Supervisors’ meetings in 2008 (and got arrested for it) he stands out. When he says it’s past time for complete equality for LGBT people, no exceptions, he looks like the leader people around here need. It’s fairly simple, looking good here; just have the gumption to tell the truth.

This from the Daily Star about Glassman running away from important issues:

Democrat Rodney Glassman has somehow managed to avoid a yes-or-no answer on whether he supports gay marriage, which has come up at debates between the four candidates vying for the seat. About all he’ll say is he supports equality.

If you’re unfamiliar with the race: Ravishing Rodney, the Denatured Boy, is a spoiled, immature rich kid from Fresno, California, who moved to Arizona and became a Democrat because it’s fairly cheap to buy elections here. He promised to personally finance his campaign with millions of dollars in family money, and early on locked up the endorsements of the (clueless) Democratic establishment. Since then he’s convinced everyone who has come in contact with him that he’s one of the prime shitheads in Arizona politics, and we’re talking about the home state of some fabulous wankers.

For instance, remember the guy with the gun strapped to his leg outside an Obama event in 2009? He’s really from Scottsdale.

Here’s a sign carried by 3 guys protesting outside the Phoenix New Times, a good place to research real news about all that’s right wing in the Inferno State. (Not because they’re wingnutty, but because they agree it’s important to ridicule the idiots among us.)

Read on for more of the adventures of Rodney and Randy.

Rodney Glassman really is a wanker. He’s better than John McCain and JD Hayworth, but who isn’t? Randy Parraz is a real progressive and we like to support real progressives.

We’ll see on Tuesday how this comes out. You never know what Arizona’s going to do.


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