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Wingnut Woodstock Nation — The answer is breaking in the wind

Breaking In The Wind

by digby

Remember when conservatives used to make fun of liberals for having protests? Like this, for instance:

No more. They are living out their angry Woodstock fantasy pretty much everywhere these days. (Yes, Beck’s calling his “Triumph of the Wingnut” event Woodstock too.) They are hoping for a bunch of liberals to spray them with fire hoses and scream at them on the way to church just so they can really have their midlife crisis in style.

They’re really taking to the protest culture.And it’s happening in the most unlikely places:

Approximately 65 supporters of Republican nominee Todd Lally’s bid the 3rd District [Kentucky] seat in Congress protested outside The Courier-Journal building for an hour Saturday morning, saying the newspaper is not being fair to the candidate.

“We want to protest the non-coverage of the 3rd District race,” said Kevin Dicken, 50, of Fern Creek, a volunteer with the Lally campaign. Lally “represents what I think this country needs” on issues such as health care, the economy and abortion.

The protesters contended the newspaper’s coverage is biased toward Democrats, and, in 3rd District race in particular, has written eight stories about the Democratic incumbent, John Yarmuth, for every story it has written about Lally.

“They do not cover all candidates fairly,” said Sue Weese, 65, of Louisville, another campaign volunteer.

A protestor standing nearby held a sign that read: CJ: Cover all ideas on all political issues.

An e-mail forwarded to the newspaper about the rally at 9 a.m. Saturday said the event was not sponsored by Lally for Congress. Some of those gathered Saturday said the protest was organized by campaign volunteers.

Protesters also said they were upset the C-J did not cover two events:

* A handout said the paper “ignored invitations to interview” U.S. Rep. John Boehner, minority leader of the House of Representatives, during a stop in Louisville for a private Lally fund-raiser on Aug. 4.

The Courier-Journal, however, had requested an interview with Boehner, but was told by Lally’s campaign he would not be available after the event, which was closed to the press.

They’re just upset about everything these days and they’re taking it to the streets!

The paper explained that they strive to be “fair and balanced” but that they can’t cover every campaign event. (If they’re like most members of the press, they’ll immediately assign a full time reporter to the GOP campaigns now that a bunch of angry, middle aged white people have expressed their inner Abby Hoffman. So you can’t say it isn’t effective.)

I’m waiting for the Joseph Kraft of today to have the blinding insight that these people are not mainstream and that it’s the working and middle class moderate liberal who represents the silent majority. I suppose the first question is, who’s the next Joseph Kraft/David Broder?

Update: Actually, the right wing march isn’t really new at all. As Attaturk pointed out

[I]n the good ol’ days of Washington civil rights rallies the original “owners” knew how to march!


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