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Provoking Real America

Provoking Real America

by digby

I hope New York cab drivers have learned about the dangers of provoking good Americans to lash out if they insist on being Muslim. As Ari Fleischer once said, “People need to watch what they say.”

But then, it’s always possible that this was a set-up as this conservative writer predicted last spring:

The war between the left and right has been ratcheted up this past weekend. Although a philosophical war of words, to the committed Alinsky left it is nonetheless a deadly serious war.

The progressive movement has long been known for its intolerance of opposing philosophies and its propensity for violence to attain its goals. As Noel Sheppard notes, at the 2008 Republican Convention leftist demonstrators hospitalized conventioneers with bricks thrown through bus windows and sandbags dropped from overpasses onto passing cars. The progressive media looked the other way.

Following the passage of ObamaCare, much media frenzy has surrounded incidents where a coffin was put on congressman Carnahan’s front lawn (didn’t happen) and a brick was thrown through congresswoman Slaughter’s Niagara Falls office window. Of course, the last time someone smashed Democratic Party office windows, a Democrat was found responsible.

Now, new incidents of Democrat windows being broken have been reported, some credible, some not. These are being used by the progressive media as a weapon against the Tea Party conservatives. Since this type of childish vandalism is a signature act of progressivism, I would search for suspects on the left side of the aisle.

The Tea Party demonstrations in DC the previous weekend were noted by the progressive media only for an “alleged” incident (although some reports did not use the word “alleged”) of a black congressman being “spit on”, and another of someone shouting the “n-word”.

The question I have is, why did these congresspeople, including Emmanuel Cleaver (the alleged “spitee“, who actually walked too close to a protester shouting “kill the bill” and got sprayed), Barney Frank, and Nancy Pelosi deliberately march into the demonstration and confront the Tea Partiers? After all, wasn’t it Nancy herself who said she was “frightened” by these supposedly violent people? Is it possible that they wanted to provoke a reaction from the crowd to be used by the media to demonize the Tea Party movement (i.e., “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it“)? Is it also possible that when there was nothing sufficiently provoked by the lawmakers’ confrontation, they decided to fabricate it? I believe their previous record of untruthfulness supports this hypothesis.
It’s to be expected that Godless leftists and their extremist Muslim allies would be working together to provoke Real Americans to become violent. It’s right out of the Jewish Saul Alinsky playbook.

Update: Good God. Maybe they’re right. Welcome to the rabbit hole.


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