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Your Daily Grayson — “Alan Grayson Saved Our Schools”

Your Daily Grayson

by digby

I love that ad. It clearly delineates which side Grayson is on — average people. And he reminds his constituents that he sends his own five kids to public schools in the district, which says so much about his faith in the system and his identification with them as a member of the community. It’s important that Democrats demonstrate some liberal values instead of identify themselves with conservatives. And as much as we all love Grayson for his aggressiveness and combative style, it’s good for people to see that he’s doing that for the future of everyone’s kids, including his own. (Plus they’re cute.)

I do have a sneaking suspicion that his ads will not all be feel good ads like this though. The Republicans have designated him their number one target. As we know he’s one that will return fire.

Update: The Washington Post named it their ad of the day.


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