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by digby

I learned something new today from Rick Perlstein and it’s very, very interesting. It’s a theory called Palingenetic ultranationalism (and no, it was not coined for Sarah Palin.) But it could have been:

Palingenetic ultranationalism is a theory concerning generic fascism formulated by British political theorist Roger Griffin. The key elements are that fascism can be defined by its core myth, namely that of “national rebirth” — palingenesis. Griffin argues that the unique synthesis of palingenesis and ultra-nationalism differentiates fascism from para-fascism and other revolutionary ideologies. This is what he calls the “fascist minimum” without which there is no fascism.

It’s the “rebirth” theme along with the flag-waving that characterized the Beck Rally yesterday. The religious rhetoric is the common vocabulary of the American radical right and the talk of exceptionalism and the Black Robed Regiment, with its combination of Calvinism and the Founders, is a perfect American rendering of rebirth and ultra-nationalism.

If you haven’t seen this movie in a while, you should. If you can get past the frightening symbols you’ll see that the “rebirth” theme is central. (The ultra-nationalism we already knew.)

Update: Dave Neiwert has more on palingenesis.


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