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Teabag Communion

Teabag Communion

by digby

In case you were wondering how the Religious Right feels about the election, here’s the Family Research Council:

Election Results — Pro-life, pro-family, liberty-loving Americans have much for which to be thankful from yesterday’s elections. FRCAction President Tony Perkins hosted a webcast analysis from Washington, D.C., Wednesday morning (see Webcast Replay). Of 182 governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. Senate and House candidates endorsed by FRCAction PAC (each vetted for commitment to our issues), 155 won, 20 lost (7 races not yet declared). Among recipients of FRCAction‘s “True Blue Award” (scored 100% on our Congressional Scorecard), all but one who ran for re-election won. Of 20 Congressmen and women targeted for defeat by FRCAction PAC (mostly self-identified “pro-lifers” who voted for pro-abortion ObamaCare under pressure from the President and their liberal leaders); 19 were defeated by pro-life challengers (one race not yet fully reported).
Webcast panelists include Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), Pastor Jim Garlow, Pollster Kellyanne Conway, FRC Action PAC President Connie Mackey and FRC Action Senior V.P. Tom McClusky (see Webcast Replay, Targeted, Endorsed, True Blue & Casualties, Cloakroom Blog).

  • May God oversee our new Congress, advance righteousness, and mercifully shape our nation’s history as we pray. May our members be held accountable to the Constitution and their pledges! May legislation now be passed to dismantle anti-family laws that threaten Americans, including the unborn! (Ex 18:2; Dt 21:8; 2 Sam 23:3; Jn 10:10; Rom 14:11-12; 1 Tim 2:1-8).

(Note the presence of Jim Demint, the putative leader of the Tea party.)

Here’s the rest of their prayer for the day:

May God move the lame duck Congress to prevent the overturn of DADT, extend all Bush-era tax policies, and prevent any law offensive to faith, family or freedom! (Josh 22:20; 1 Sam 8:4 ff; 2 Sam 23:3; Pr 14:34; Is 10:1; Jude 1:6-7).

Tea for everybody!


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