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Republican dirty tricks? No way …

Republican Dirty Tricks? No Way

by digby

This is just a useful reminder for anyone who forgets how the Republican dirty tricksters operate. Remember this?

Recall that nobody knew who those kids were and Democrats immediately accused the GOP of engineering the meltdown. And every single Republican in town swore they had nothing to do with it.

Well, in its in-depth report of the two year Republican campaign to take back congress NY Times reports today:

They also tried to push Democrats into retirement, using what was described in the presentation as “guerilla tactics” like chasing Democratic members down with video cameras and pressing them to explain votes or positions. (One target, Representative Bob Etheridge of North Carolina, had to apologize for manhandling one of his inquisitors in a clip memorialized on YouTube. Only this week did Republican strategists acknowledge they were behind the episode.)

There’s a reason why right wingers always accuse Democrats of “inciting” and “provoking” them purposefully embarrass them into behaving like bloodthirsty creeps and it’s because it’s what they do. Embarrassing Democrats in front of the press, pushing their buttons, setting them up, along with classic rat-fucking is their stock in trade and has been for a very long time. You’d think everyone would be on to them by now.

More here.


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