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Flies on the wall: Borger splains slurpee

Flies On The Wall

by digby

The Village shows why it gets paid all that money to “interpret” the ways of Washington for you :

Gloria Borger: It’s kind of like the first day at school Brooke. They heard the message from the American people that we want you all to work together.

It’s always interesting to report out what’s going on these meetings. If you ask the Democrats you get one thing if you ask the Republicans you get another story.

The Democrats said that the meeting was good because the Republicans seemed more serious about actually working together than they had when they were purely an opposition party. When I talk to Republicans they say, you know, it was a good meeting because the Democrats seem less arrogant because they no longer control both houses of congress.

And a couple of Republicans also said to me that they liked hearing the president admit that hadn’t been bipartisan enough. When I talked to some Democrats they said they didn’t really hear that, so since I wasn’t in the room..

Brooke: If we could be a fly on the wall..

Borger: This is our job as reporters though, we try to feel it out and get the best semblance of the reality of the session that we can, so I have to say that it was a much better session than we’ve seen over the past few years…

What was interesting to me Brooke, and to give you some idea that it might be serious about certain things like resolving the tax cut issue, is that for 35 minutes they threw out the staff and when they throw out the staff and it’s just the principles meeting, it’s that, you know what, we actually have to get down to business here and we don’t want all of this leaking to people like me. So they threw out the staff and the members still came out saying you know, “this is getting serious.”

Who need Wikileaks with crack reporting like that?

Borger did go on to explain that it was possible they were really looking to combine the tax cuts for the wealthy with maybe some deficit reduction.


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