Cruel Entertainment
by digby
When you read something like this in the wake of our latest massacre, you have to wonder if there’s any hope for this country:
In what was one of the greatest and most entertaining spectacles at CES, Taser had consumers lining up to get shocked—and I got it all on camera.
Why would anyone want to get Tased? You got me—but it sure was fun to watch! I wasn’t the only one who found it entertaining, either. The please-tase-me-bro show drew huge crowds. All of us gathered in a circle around the island shaped booth eagerly awaiting showtime. The crowd was cheering, laughing, shouting—it was like being a spectator in the Roman Colosseum.
Luckily, before the juice started flowing, the Taser folks spotted my Cult of Mac badge and offered me a prime seat so I could witness the spectacle firsthand. I wasn’t about to miss that opportunity. I crouched down in the front row, set my camera on high speed capture, and documented the face of a man being pumped with 50,000 muscle-cramping volts. I admit all of this may sound barbaric, but I ask you, are you not entertained!?
Maybe at the next plumbers convention they could set up a waterboarding exhibition.