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Huck’s just relating to his people

Huck’s Just Relating To His People

by digby

So Huckabee is still out there pimping the Muslim lie even though he was caught at it earlier in the week. Does he seem dumb enough to do that by accident to you?

I don’t think so. He’s the real “Palin with brains” not Bachman. He has her same snotty sarcasm so beloved by the wingers but he’s a professional politician who knows how to point it. (Plus, he isn’t on twitter and Facebook all day talking gibberish.) With this silly Muslim talk he’s just sending them a strong message that he’s one of them.

I haven’t shared one of these in a while, but in case you were wondering if they are still flooding the in-box — they are:

Does Barack Hussein Obama wake up every morning and ask himself, “How can I Destroy Christian America” today? Because for the past two years that is exactly what this Lying, Commie, Baby Killing, Muslim has been doing!

How many Laws has Obama broken? How many times has Obama broken his Oath of Office? How many time has he broken the American Constitution? How many times has he lied to The American People? How many times has he betrayed America? How many Acts of Treason has Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder committed?

When is our Congress, our Senate and our Law Makers going to Stop and Impeach this destructor of America?

Why is Obama allowed to continually break the Laws of the Land?

It has been over two years and America still does NOT know if Obama was born in Kenya, Hawaii or where? America which was once Strong, Proud and Respected Nation has become the laughing stock of the World.

PS: This just in…………….

New bill would require Barack Obama to provide proof of birth to get on Georgia ballot.

State Rep. Mark Hatfield, R-Waycross, just handed me a copy of his new bill, HB 401, which would require President Barack Obama to provide certified proof of his birth to the Georgia secretary of state in order to appear on next year’s presidential primary and general election ballots.

The bill has the signatures of 94 members of the 180-member House, including that of one Democrat, Glenn Baker of Jonesboro. The measure will get its first hearing on Wednesday.

As you undoubtedly know, this belief is not confined to a few fringy wierdos. The number is growing and a substantial number beyond that “aren’t sure”. (Where there’s smoke there’s fire?) All GOP candidates have to grapple with it and those who are seeking to win with a Teabag strategy have to find a way to embrace it. That’s what Huck’s doing.

Update: Some more creepy anti-muslim behavior.

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