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Mama Grizzly, Poppa Bear and the wolfpack

Mama Grizzly, Poppa Bear and the wolfpack

by digby

Looks like there’s trouble in paradise. Dave Neiwert reports:

It’s hard to say why it happened, but all of a sudden Bill O’Reilly decided last night to stop tossing Sarah Palin the usual softball questions and Hannity Jobs she’s become accustomed to during her tenure at Fox News. He asked her to finally get specific instead of bloviating in vague generalities about where and how she’s achieve the budget cuts she’s calling for. It made for the entertaining sight of the Mama Grizzly growling at the Poppa Bear:

Neiwert writes:

[Y]ou have to wonder how much longer Palin is going to enjoy her free ride at Fox. If O’Reilly is toughening up on her, that probably means Roger Ailes is getting close to throwing her to the wolves.

And I doubt that they’ll be gentle:


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