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Homegrown threats

Homegrown Threats

by digby

Eric Cantor sez:

“I don’t think there’s any question about [Peter King’s] credibility. … We have got demonstrable occurrences in this country that show we’ve got a risk of the spread of radical Islam. That’s not within the security interests of the United States and its citizens; it’s something that we really want to work with folks to see if we can stop,” he said.

Asked about his expectations for the hearing and the controversy surrounding it, Cantor responded, “Really, it’s one hearing out of many that he’s having. I think you here in this room have sort of become fascinated with this hearing. And I would say to you it’s pretty obvious where some of the problems have been in terms of terrorist activity.”Asked again to weigh in on the controversy surrounding the hearing, Cantor said that “people are free to react the way they want.””What I can tell you is I believe that we in this country are threatened by the spread of radical Islam, both abroad and at home,” he said.

Yeah, we’re threatened by radicalism in a lot of forms. Some of it more “homegrown” than others. For instance, this appears to be the writing of the man arrested yesterday for planting a bomb at the Martin Luther King Day rally in Spokane Washington:

On December 25, 2009, Snuffy responded to a thread titled: “Italians….Is it me or are 95% of them as bad as Jews and Ni**ers?” “I have come to the conclusion that you go to race war with the Whites you have, not the Whites you want,” Snuffy wrote.

I have a feeling this alleged terrorist would probably be very supportive of Peter King’s hearings. They share a similar cramped view of what threatens America.


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