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Good-Ole-Boy Outreach

Good-Ole-Boy Outreach

by digby

I’m not sure who’s going to win the crude good-ole-boy vote, but Haley Barbour’s campaign is giving Huckabee a run for his money:

Every morning, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s press secretary sends to Barbour’s staff and other allies a list of press clippings, along with a daily compendium of birthdays, historical notes, and jokes — which have recently included humor on the topics of the disastrous Japan Tsunami, Janet Reno’s gender, and the Cambodian genocide.

In Friday’s email, for instance, press secretary Dan Turner emailed that on that day in 1968:

Otis Redding posthumously received a gold record for his single, “(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay”. (Not a big hit in Japan right now.)

In 1993: Janet Reno was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become the first female attorney general. (It took longer to confirm her gender than to confirm her law license.)

What a jackass.

Barbour is very, very popular in the Village, beloved by everyone from Roberts to Quinn. Do they know what kind of person he is and with whom he associates? Do they care?

Update: Well, lookee here (h/t to @pastordan):

Republican Party of Wisconsin fundraiser
5:30 p.m.

Barbour Griffith & Rogers LLC,
The Homer Building,
Eleventh Floor South,
601 Thirteenth St. NW,
Washington, DC

With Hosts:
Wisconsin Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald
along with Assistant Leaders Rep. Scott Suder and Senator Glenn Grothman;
and Joint Finance Co-Chairs Rep. Robin Vos and Senator Alberta Darling

With Special Guest:
Republican National Committee Chairman: Reince Priebus

Invited Guests:
Senator Ron Johnson
Congressman Sean Duffy
Congressman Tom Petri
Congressman Reid Ribble
Congressman Paul Ryan
Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner

$5,000 to Host
$2,500 to Sponsor
$1,000 per person to attend
All PAC and Individual Donations are appreciated

Please make checks payable to:
Republican Party of Wisconsin-Federal Account
148 East Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53703

In case you were wondering about Barbour, Griffiths and Rogers.


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