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New rifts on the right

New Rifts On The Right

by digby

There’s been a lot of talk about rifts in the Republican Party and I think some of it is more wishful thinking than anything else. But this one in Arizona seems significant:

A coalition of Arizona business groups delivered a letter to the Arizona State Senate Tuesday saying it would be unwise for the Legislature to pass additional immigration legislation, despite lack of action on the federal level.

Sixty CEOs – from a wide swath of industries and including heavyweights such as Doug Parker, Gerrit van Huisstede and Linda Hunt – signed the letter as legislators mull a new slate of immigration bills. Last year’s passage of Senate Bill 1070 created a firestorm of criticism and boycotts against the state. The CEO’s point to its “unintended consequences.”

Much is probably attributable to good old fashioned self-interest in that some of these people may just want cheap labor. That’s an old tension in the right coalition. But these CEOs are mainly worried about image and that’s new. They are afraid that people will start to see Arizona as a pariah state, and it’s a real concern.

But just wait until Palin moves to Maricopa to run for office. I’ll just say this — my Alaskan friends are rooting for her to do it. She’s done enough damage to their state.


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