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Freeh again

Freeh again

by digby

This is just sad:

Two officials who worked for President George W. Bush, including one who threatened to resign to block legally questionable anti-terror surveillance, have a realistic chance of being asked to head the FBI, according to people familiar with the search.James Comey and Kenneth Wainstein served in sensitive national security-related posts at the Justice Department in the Bush administration. That could make for interesting confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee if President Barack Obama selects either to succeed FBI Director Robert Mueller. His 10-year, nonrenewable term expires Sept. 4.Their service as political appointees under a Republican president is a key factor in explaining the rise of Comey and Wainstein in the search. The Obama administration faces an expanded Republican minority in the Senate with the votes to seriously complicate the confirmation prospects of any nominee who draws their united opposition.

I wonder if the next Republican president with a Senate majority will feel the same constraints? Has any president ever felt the same constraints under the same circumstances?

I hope they are very careful. Bill Clinton appointed Republican hack Louis Freeh to the FBI and lived to regret it. Of course, he was up against a GOP majority in the Senate. Even in those days of ruthless partisanship they didn’t filibuster cabinet nominees. Those days are gone … for Democratic presidents anyway.

*It should be noted that Comey was a pretty good guy under Bush. As far as we know.

Update: Noted in comments, Comey not that good a guy at all, in fact. I’ve succumbed to a certain Village-style mentality there, I’m afraid, relying on a CW from some years back. Mea culpa.


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