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They’re Comin’ Ta Git Yah

They’re Comin’ Ta Git Yah

by digby

If you thought the Minutemen had gone away, think again. From my email this afternoon:

Dear America:

Look at this headline.

Bill Clinton lowered the Immigration Laws, Bush did nothing about Illegals and Obama wants to give them Free Food, Free Medical Insurance and is suing the State of Arizona for their new Immigration Laws.

Impeach Obama and Fire Eric Holder today!

From: Minuteman PAC

663 Illegal Aliens with Ties to Terrorism Arrested in 2010 Fellow Patriot,

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), speaking at a border issues conference yesterday, said 663 individuals arrested along the southwest border in 2010 were from countries known to have ties with terrorism.

In the last year alone, 448,000 individuals were detained at the southwest border – 59,000 came from countries other than Mexico. Among them were countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and four other so-called “state-sponsors of terrorism” –Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Sudan.

Even more terrifying – 84% of the approximately 448,000 illegal aliens arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol were not prosecuted!

At the 15th annual U.S.-Mexico Congressional Border Issues Conference, the Director of National Intelligence was quoted as saying that the 663 individuals arrested represented a national security vulnerability and that we need to do more.

Help MMPAC Secure the U.S.-Mexico Border!

Select Here Now!

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano consistently evades the question of results by limiting the majority of her remarks on border security to the resources devoted to border areas and even claims that “it’s clear from every statistical measure that the approach is working.”

Sec. Napolitano also called the Border Patrol apprehensions a “key indicator of illegal traffic” along the U.S. borders.

Clearly, the “approach” taken by the Obama Administration is NOT working and whatever statistics were fed to her by the Pro-Amnesty administration are wrong and politically motivated.

If that’s the case, we have much, much bigger issues on our hands than the influx of Hispanic illegal immigrants draining our economic resources and bringing their crime and drugs over the border to our neighborhoods.

We can’t count on President Obama to secure our borders or to crackdown on illegal immigration. He is desperate to win re-election in 2012 and will even grant amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants in order to do so.

So what will it take for Washington to listen and to lobby for America’s safety and to take action and secure our borders immediately?

Your support.

Will you help us?

Help MMPAC Demand Border Security NOW!
Select Here!

As you well know, Minuteman PAC is an independent Political Action Committee of the Minuteman civilian border security movement, supported by many volunteers of the nation’s oldest, largest and most-effective citizen’s border vigilance group, the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

Our mission is clear: Help elect candidates who carry out their constitutional duty to defend our borders and oust those who do not.

Meanwhile, your special gift of $35, $60, $100, or more will give us the financial ammunition we need to:

++ fund a massive anti-amnesty effort with a phone, TV, radio, newspaper, and Internet campaign;

++ mobilize Minuteman PAC activists from all over the nation to protest any legislative action that will reward illegal aliens with “amnesty”;

++ print and distribute literally million copies of our “WARNINGS TO WASHINGTON” nationwide; and

++ provide direct financial support for debt retirement to our endorsed border security candidates.

So please, help us secure the southwest border and defend America from President Obama’s Open Borders-Amnesty agenda by electing Anti-Amnesty Patriots in 2012 and supporting Border Security legislation!

Help Minuteman PAC and your fellow Patriots hold Washington accountable for securing our borders and securing America from every illegal immigrant.

Will you help us? Click HERE to help Minuteman’s efforts TODAY!

Thank you for reading our message, and for taking the time to forward our message to friends and family.

For America,
Minuteman PAC

P.S. Fellow Patriot, please help us fight alongside the Patriots in Congress as they wage war to SECURE OUR BORDERS in 2011! Your much-needed gift will help us rally patriot Americans do the job that Washington WON’T DO. So please, act now — TODAY! This much needed gift of $35, $60, $100 or even $250 will help us rally patriot Americans to hold Congress — both establishment RINOs and pro-“illegal alien” leftists — accountable for SECURING THE BORDERS!


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