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Waiting period extended until they feel the labor pains

Waiting until you feel the labor pains

by digby

Apparently, the forced childbirth zealots have successfully extended the “waiting period” for the foolish fetus vessels again.

South Dakota governor Dennis Dugard signed into law a bill requiring women to wait 72 hours before obtaining an abortion. Like all “waiting period” regulations, the law is based on the inherently sexist assumptions that Anthony Kennedy made explicit in his infamous Carhart II opinion: namely, the idea that women who choose to obtain an abortion must be acting irrationally and need states to coerce them to reconsider. And the 3-day waiting period (rather than the more typical 24-hour one) imposes a particular burden on poor women and women who have to travel long distances (a particular problem in a rural state in which 98% of counties lack an abortion provider.)

If they play their cards right, they can extend the waiting period up to nine months. These silly girls need to feel the labor pains before they can truly understand what they are doing.


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