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The Ten Commandments of the constitution: Here comes the Judge

The Ten Commandments of The Constitution

by digby

From the “we are all teabaggers now” file:

Roy Moore, the former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice wh lost his job after erecting a monument of the Ten Commandments outside the state’s courthouse, plans to announce in mid-April that he is setting up a presidential exploratory committee, an aide told CBS News.

The aide, Zachery Michael, said Moore’s platform will be focused on repealing the health care overhaul law, replacing the progressive income tax with a flat tax and bringing “commonsense solutions” on immigration and border control.

Michael said Moore is entering the fray because “we’re just seeing the same type of politicians run for president.” He said Moore is someone “who can connect with over 300 million Americans across the country, which is something we’ve been lacking with today’s leaders across society.”

Michael said Moore should not be thought of simply as a culture warrior, arguing that he has been a strong advocate for limited government.

“He not only stood up for his faith, he stood up against the tyranny of government,” he said.

He’s going to have to fight off Bachman, Huck, Santorum, Gingrich and the all new PawlentyRomney for the Tea for Jesus vote, but I think he can do it. He’s got major cred among the social conservatives — and he was a judge!


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