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Rush more: Mike Stark tells him he needs to take responsibility for his party

Rush More

by digby

How much do I love Mike Stark? This much:



Stark was right. Limbaugh is the kingmaker and the head of the Republican Party. He’s the guy they all come crawling to when they make a boo-boo and the one whose ring must be kissed in order to achieve true conservative status. He’s the man. He should take responsibility and make it happen.

Who shall it be? I can’t imagine him picking some squish like Pawlenty or Romney.Or some henpecked loser like Mitch Daniels whose wife left him to raise the kids while she pulled a feminazi and ran off with another man either. (If Mitch had done it, it would prove his macho bonafides.)Bachman? Nah … Newtie? Not anymore.

It’s a problem isn’t it? You can kind of see why he’s reluctant to shoulder the burden of leadership. The field isn’t exactly inspiring. I’m sure he’d really like to back Jeb Bush, but there lies danger too. What’s a kingmaker to do?

Palin is his best bet. He thinks she’s hot and liberals hate her. That ought to be good enough. And if she runs and loses, Rush can blame it on sexism which is exactly how he loves to yank our chains.

The truth is that just like everyone else, he knows they’re going to lose.He’s not going to waste even a tiny piece of his reputation on any of them.


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