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Tom Friedman’s snappy slogans

Snappy Slogans

by digby

Thomas Friedman proves once again why he isn’t looked to for advice by political movements around the world:

May I suggest a Tahrir Square alternative? Announe that every Friday from today forward will be “Peace Day,” and have thousands of West Bank Palestinians march nonviolently to Jerusalem, carrying two things — an olive branch in one hand and a sign in Hebrew and Arabic in the other. The sign should say: “Two states for two peoples. We, the Palestinian people, offer the Jewish people a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders — with mutually agreed adjustments — including Jerusalem, where the Arabs will control their neighborhoods and the Jews theirs.”

Maybe they can write it in really, really small letters.

It’s better than “suck on this, Iraq” but I’m afraid it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it…


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