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Illegitimate son

Illegitimate Son?

by digby

I’ve been wondering something for a while. Has anyone ever seen Walter Mondale and Pawlenty in the same room together? I’m sure everyone recalls when Mondale was running for president he promised the entire country that he was going to raise their taxes, right? Just like a tax ‘n spend Democrat.

Here’s T-Paw presenting himself as a classic slash and burn Republican:

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty urged big changes to the Social Security retirement program on Wednesday, but said paring U.S. defense spending is not vital to tame the bloated federal budget.

When Obama compared himself to Reagan and the campaign team adopted the “Dear God We Hope It Will Be Morning in America” re-election strategy, I don’t think they could have dreamed that they might get an equal charisma gap. This is just frosting on the cake.

Update: Mondale is a good guy and I don’t mean to disrespect him. But he wasn’t exactly a dynamic politician and his famous statement that he would raise taxes is widely considered to be one of the more inelegant campaign promises in history. I think this one is in the same league.

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