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Medicare Folly

Medicare Folly

by digby

Ezra Klein systematically dismantles Paul Ryan’s phony arguments in defense of his health care plan. It’s an excellent post and one that shows just how dishonest the Republicans are. (There’s no point in excerpting it, just read it.)

I only wish that Ezra had been as clear on Hardball today when Michael Smerconish was going on and on about the need to cut Medicare and Ezra replied that because Mitch McConnell is insisting on cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling, it will be done. That’s probably technically true. But the fact is that the debt ceiling will be raised whether Mitch McConnell holds his breath and turns blue or not. He knows which side his campaign contributions are buttered on and so does everyone else. Medicare will only be cut because the Democrats allow it.

It’s hard for me imagine that any good policy can come of this nonsense, but I’ll leave it to the wonks to sort it our later. But on the politics it’s very foolish. Right now you have a nice clean contrast and muddying it destroys the Dem advantage. But Ezra seems to be in the know so I guess at this point the only question seems to be how it will be cut. If that’s the case, anyone want to bet on the return of the Obama Death Panel boogeyman in 2012?



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