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The demographic giant

The Demographic Giant

by digby

Sam Stein has written a blockbuster story about the recently released data on the faster than expected growing hispanic population and its political implications. There’s a lot to digest, so it’s worth reading in full. But I would note just one little thing:

“When you talk about Democratic secret weapon — it isn’t so much a secret because everyone sees it coming — but this is the year it could come,” said Carlos Odio, Deputy Director for the Latino Vote Program during Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. “No one ever expects the flood to happen, but there is so much room for growth. If Democrats and progressives really played this, it could be a huge weapon. The census reinforces that.”

Hector Barajas remains acutely aware of the weapon. As a Spanish media spokesman for both George W. Bush’s 2004 presidential campaign and John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign as well as communications director for the California Republican Party, he has watched the evolving relationship between the GOP and the Latino population from a front row sear. His post in California has particularly presented challenges, with the bulging Hispanic community forcing statewide candidates into a sharp political pull between demographic realities and conservative political pressures.

Recently, he’s been making the rounds to various Republican Party entities, urging them to readjust the rhetoric and appreciate the trends, noting Obama’s failure to deliver on key promises to the Hispanic community creates an opening.

I don’t think that will work very well considering the extreme hostility the GOP shows toward Hispanics generally. But it is a problem that the administration has adopted some harsh punitive measures, surpassing even the Bush administration, apparently in the vain hope that Republicans will see they are serious and “meet them halfway.” This demo isn’t dumb.

I would suggest that if the Democrats want a halfway decent turnout, the next time they seek one of their symbolic liberal victories in exchange for delivering for the corporate overlords, they should probably pass the DREAM Act.


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