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A Hot Village Sex Fantasy

A Hot Village Sex Fantasy

by digby

No, it’s not about that story. It’s about this one:

‘Paul’ and ‘Barack’ talk Medicare

By Ruth Marcus

When it comes to Medicare, the one thing everyone agrees on is that it’s time for an “adult conversation.” So let’s listen in on two imaginary participants — “Paul” and “Barack.”

I’m sorry, the “conversation” is just too titillating for me to put on this family blog. It’s all about two sexy men bein’ all bipartisan ‘n shit, gettin’ down and dirty and bendin’ that cost curve. For Villagers of a certain mind, this is the ultimate fantasy. They don’t care what unnatural acts have to be performed (or how many innocents are harmed in the process) they just want to see a Republican and a Democrat kickin’ it hard in some hot two-party compromise.

Sure, they may spend a good portion of their day chasing down photo-shopped sexting pics of congressmen’s male members, but this is what really turns turns a Villager on.

Normally, I would say “read the whole thing”, but I’m not going to. I think too highly of you to degrade you with such filth. But if you are one of those people who just can’t help but take a peek at beltway porn, keep in mind that even in the most lurid fantasies of the Vacuous Villager of the Year, there’s no satisfaction in the end.

*For a serious treatment of this disturbing voyage into the inner recesses of a beltway maven’s mind, read Dean Baker. As with most most sexual fantasies, once you start thinking about the details, you lose the mood.


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