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What if they’re not just greedy?

What if they’re not just greedy?

by digby

Jonathan at A Tiny Revolution has a scary bedtime story for you:

Living in the United States is like being over Iowa on a cross country plane trip heading west when the captain gets on the intercom and explains that there’s a tunnel through the Rocky Mountains and they’re going to use it to fly through to the other side. You just have to PRAY TO JESUS CHRIST that they know they’re lying to you.For instance, here’s an article about Robert Lutz, who used to be vice chairman of GM:

“We are no longer the richest, most all-powerful nation in the world, where we can afford to pay each other high salaries and high wages and high benefits and import $19 DVD players from China,” Lutz said in an interview.”That is not going to work. We pay for it in IOUs called Treasury bills…”

The scary reality is that Lutz almost certainly believes this, and doesn’t understand the difference between the U.S. trade deficit and the U.S. federal budget deficit. That would be a drag but wouldn’t matter too much if he were a normal person, but it’s dangerous considering that he’s at the pinnacle of American power.

I think he’s hit on something very important — what if they aren’t just greedy bastards? What if they’re really, really dumb?

Read the whole thing. But keep the light on.


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