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Lil Luke just beatin’ it

Just beat it

by digby

I was sitting at my computer with the TV on in the background and thought I’d heard Monsignor Tim Russert arisen from the dead:

… he’s using a tactic we’ve often seen politicians use. When they’re boxed in a corner just shut down and hope that the storm will blow over. Now it’s not uncommon for congressmen to miss committee hearings, they do it all the time and certainly congressman Wiener is within his right. What is uncommon is when they cancel the week-end speeches. He was supposed to address the Democratic Party convention in the state of Wisconin this week-end he will not show up …. blah, blah blah.

I get that Lil’ Luke is a chip off the old block. But this channeling of his father as if he’s been on Capitol Hill since the days of Johnson and Rayburn is annoying. He looks like the Campbell soup kid and it sounds ridiculous coming from his lips.

However, I heard someone else talking about how Wiener made a huge mistake by talking to a tough interviewer like Luke Russert so I guess he’s now a member of the club. He owns the penis beat, as it were.


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