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False Idols: Christians vs the Randians

False Idols

by digby


Four members affiliated with the religious group Faith In Public Life held a brief press conference during FFC’s afternoon intermission to denounce the GOP’s adherence to the philosophies of anti-government, anti-religion author Ayn Rand. The leaders — Rev. Jennifer Butler, Jim Wallis, Rev. Derrick Harkins, and Father Clete Kiley — asserted that the GOP efforts to cut funding from many anti-poverty programs while balancing the budget on the backs of the poorest Americans were not in line with Christian values

I don’t know why it’s taken Christian leaders so long to see that so many of their alleged allies are under the influence of a “philosopher” whose work is actively hostile to their fundamental beliefs. These particular Christian leaders aren’t social conservatives, of course, so their views probably don’t weigh heavily among the GOP faithful. But then Rand wasn’t a social conservative either, was she?

Howie’s been writing about this for a long time, particularly in the case of Rand’s most important current acolyte, Paul Ryan. If you’re interested in more on this subject, he’s got the goods.


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