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Check out the Bag News Online Salon at 8pm EDT, 5pm PDT

Bag News Salon

by digby

This is why I love Bag News so much:

Sunday, June 5, 2011, 8pm EST, 5pm PST
Hosted by Open-i
Location: Wimba Webinar Room
Join us for the next online salon.The “Security Room” photo of the White House National Security team generated days of analysis throughout the internet. The unreleased photograph of Osama Bin Laden’s corpse generated polarizing discussions over the visual politics of his death. At this BagNews Salon, an expert panel will analyze images of one of the most anticipated moments in American international politics over the past decade. How was it visualized by the government and the media, and what does that coverage reveal about domestic politics, political and media biases and long building expectations for this event?The BagNewsSalon brings together the eyes and voices of the world’s leading photojournalists, visual academics and other highly-informed observers to analyze select edits of news photographs in a 90 minute on-line discussion format.Discussants include:Pete BrookLead blogger Wired’s Raw File. Publisher, Prison Photography
Kenny IrbySenior Faculty / Visual Journalism & Diversity, The Poynter Institute
Justin Elliottreporter, Salon
Jared KellerAssociate editor for The Atlantic and The Atlantic Wire
Loret Steinberg, Professor of Photojournalism and Documentary Photography/R.I.T.
Lindsay BeyersteinInvestigative journalist, photographer, blogger at Big Think/Focal Point.
Alan Chin, Editor & Contributing Photographer, BagNews Originals
Michael Appleton, freelance photojournalist
Michael Shaw, Publisher, BagNewsNotes
Cara Finnegan Professor of Communication – U. of Illinois, Co-editor: Visual Rhetoric: a reader in communication and American culture), publisher, first efforts, Moderator, BagNews Salon Visit the Wimba Webinar Room to join in at 8pm EST, 5pm PST on June 5th. Arrive early to run the set up wizard if this is your first time participating in an online salon. Detailed instruction on joining the webinar are available here on the Open-i website.

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