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The New Frontrunner

The New Frontrunner

by digby

The thing is, I’m guessing he’s better prepared than some of his rivals:

David Brody: “Some of your potential biggest weaknesses out there. What is something you have to shore up?”

Herman Cain: “I’m working real hard on understanding heads of state, on other countries around the world, being able to pronounce their names properly. Being able to have their proper title when I talk about them in that context. Yes, that is an area that I have not focused on because when I was doing my radio show, foreign affairs didn’t come up that often in terms of what my listeners wanted. They wanted me to talk about the economy, creating jobs; we talked a lot about immigration. We talked a lot about how do we how do we reform entitlement spending and Medicare so I’m very conversant on those because I have had to interact with my listeners for five years when I was on the radio so when it comes to other nations, friend or foe, I have a lot of homework to do but I’m in the process of doing that homework to get up to speed.”

And you have to give him credit for at least studying something. Palin’s been out there for three years now as a potential president and she’s even less prepared than she was when she started.


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