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Grifter politics: what Newtie can learn from Palin

Grifter Politics

by digby

Sarah Palin’s post-modern political con game seems to be catching on. Other famous unelectable politicians have discovered that they can pretend to run for president and collect large sums of money in the process. (When you need to make payments on your Tiffany’s account, you need a lot of money.) It’s a fabulous new career for professional grifters and has-been politicians alike.

The problem for Newtie is that you really need to come up with something better than this:

“Let me just say that there is a fundamental strategic difference between the traditional consulting community, and the kind of campaign I want to run.”

To be successful as a political grifter you have to develop the ability to speak in tongues:

“Let’s be encouraged with a sense of poetic justice by knowing that the “mainstream” media isn’t mainstream anymore. That’s why I call it “lamestream,” and the LSM is becoming quite irrelevant, as it is no longer the sole gatekeeper of information.”

On the other hand, he may be rolling out grifter 2.0:

That’s its own kind of word salad, but I’m not sure it’s quite obscure and baffling enough for the Tea Party. He’s got some work to do.


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