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What was it you were saying about freedom again?

What was it you were saying about freedom again?

by digby

I know it’s a terrible restriction on your liberty to have to pay for the roads on which you drive or the wars you insist that we must fight. But why is this ok?

Since the release of the 2008 manual, the assessment category has drawn scrutiny because it sets a low bar to examine a person or a group. The F.B.I. has opened thousands of such low-level investigations each month, and a vast majority has not generated information that justified opening more intensive investigations.

Ms. Caproni said the new manual would adjust the definition of assessments to make clear that they must be based on leads. But she rejected arguments that the F.B.I. should focus only on investigations that begin with a firm reason for suspecting wrongdoing.

I realize that we should all be pure and clean and perfect so that when the government surreptitiously investigates us we have nothing to hide. But you’d think that even Real Americans might feel better if the government at least suspected them of doing something wrong first.

But hey, at least we know we’re free right?


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