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Breitbart TMZ

Breitbart TMZ

by digby

Old man Drudge must be feeling a little bit put out to pasture. This used to be his beat:

They have to cover the Democratic penis beat because the Republicans force them to. (And so do the Democrats, actually.)

They’ve been making this excuse for decades now but it’s always been bullshit. The right has created a tabloid political media that knows how to get the Village kewl kids’ prurient juices flowing. You can see how stimulated they are when one of these surreal feeding frenzies comes along and the right knows exactly how to hit their sweet spot.

The political press loves Drudge/Breitbart and they don’t really care whether what they says is true or why they doing what they’re doing. It’s sexy and trivial lizard brain junk news and that’s what they love.


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