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Expert witness: Breitbart on blackmail

Breitbart on Blackmail

by digby

Here’s some deep civic concern for you:

“I tend to think all these guys that behave this way are putting themselves in positions to be blackmailed,” Breitbart said when asked about Vitter. “When you put yourself into an elected position and you’re going to, like, do the things that you don’t want the public to find out about, but then when you do it, you’re going to be exorted, you’re going to be blackmailed. It pisses me off.”

He ought to know. The primary blackmailer in American politics right now is none other than Andrew Breitbart. Recall:

“I’m doing this to save his family” Breitbart says about his decision not to post a photo that the site describes as “extremely graphic, and leaves nothing to the imagination.”

I would like an apology from him… This was his political strategy — to accuse me of hacking,” Breitbart says.

“I’m trying to do the decent thing here and not release the photo.”

How about this one:

“I know how politics works,” Breitbart said. “I know how the politics of personal destruction works. I know how the private detectives work. Don’t go after Meagan (presumably Meagan Broussard, the woman interviewed by Hannity). Don’t go after the other girls and I’m paying attention. And that’s all I can say.”

Or this one:

“Are you saying, Andrew, that there are more tapes?” Hannity asked, playing straight man because he already knew there were more.

“Oh, my goodness, there are,” Breitbart said. “Not only are there more tapes, it’s not just ACORN. (Hannity could be heard delightedly saying “Wow!” in the background). And this message is to Attorney General Holder. I want you to know that we have more tapes. It’s not just ACORN and we’re gonna hold out until the next election cycle or else if you want to do a clean investigation, we will give you the rest of what we have. We will comply with you, we will give you the documentation we have from countless ACORN whistleblowers who want to come forward but are fearful of this organization and the retribution that they fear, that this is a dangerous organization. So if you get into an investigation, we will give you the tapes. If you don’t… we will revisit these tapes come election time.”

Let’s just say Breitbart knows what he’s talking about when it comes to political blackmail. Of course, he’s the one doing the blackmailing so it tends to be a little bit one-sided.


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