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by digby

The creator of Mad-Libs (one of my favorite childhood games) passed away recently. But the Mad-lib ouvre will never die. In fact, it’s being put to use right now to expose the crooked, moronic Florida governor Rick Scott for who he is:

It seems Pink Slip Rick can’t get real Floridians to write letters to local newspapers in support of his radical agenda, so he’s written a letter himself, and he’s begging his tea party followers to simply copy and paste it in an email. It backfired — of course — and now Rick Scott has another scandal on his hands.

So we’re going on offense and making sure that everyone knows the truth about Scott’s agenda.

Today, we’re launching the “Pink Slip Mad Lib Challenge,” a contest where you take his astroturf letter and fill in the blanks to expose the truth. Admissions will be voted on, and the best will win a PSR t-shirt.

I find that if you liberally use the word “bunghole” in mad-libs, you can usually get big laughs. Or you could when I was 12. Perhaps things have changed.


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