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Paul Ryan is the happiest boy in whole USA

Paul Ryan’s the happiest boy in the whole USA

by digby
Why? Because the Democrats are apparently getting ready to abandon all credibility on the best issue they have for 2012. (Plus, you know, the well being of elderly people who depend on them to protect their interests):

“I’m disappointed that Leader Cantor’s withdrawn,” said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus during a hearing on health care spending. “I think we should stay at the table. I think we should keep working, difficult as it is, and try to balance between Medicare cuts — additional Medicare cuts — so long as there is commensurate additional revenue. We need balance here.”

Right. The important thing isn’t that the safety net is being opportunistically destroyed at a time of massive economic insecurity. It’s that we “balance” yet more cuts with some “commensurate additional revenue” of some sort. This is what the Democratic negotiators are defining as winning the future.

I’m sure Paul Ryan agrees. Of course he won’t be admitting it. Like all the other Republicans he will run against the Democrats — again — for pulling the plug on grandma while simultaneously condemning them for their tax-n-spend librul ways. (I’m sure they’ve promised not to — but I doubt the Koch brothers signed on to that deal.)


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