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The Unemployment Queen

The Unemployment Queen

by digby

Why do I have the feeling we’re shortly going to see the emergence of the “Unemployment Queen”:

During a Senate hearing Wednesday, an independent consultant said 90% of the states use technology that is at least 20 years old to process jobless claims. One state, he said, relies on a system that was first created 42 years ago. U.S. wasting billions on jobless benefits.

Outside experts and state officials say the U.S. could save billions of dollars if more money were spent to upgrade the nation’s unemployment insurance system, which is jointly run by the states and federal government. In just the past two years alone, the government has handed out nearly $30 billion in jobless benefits to people who were not qualified to receive payments.

30 billion dollars worth of unemployment fraud in two years? Sure. That’s believable.

But I’d expect to see it coming soon to a campaign speech near you.

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